Sunday, September 1, 2013

A small update

Life has gotten pretty crazy around here!!  I started a new school year YAHOO!

I was SUPER nervous to start this school year.  I have been pretty sick (the joys of pregnancy) and I was worried about waking up earlier, having patience while feeling yucky, whether or not school would make me feel worse etc. BUT as always, the Lord has blessed me a ton!! Although I feel extra sick in the mornings I am able to get into a groove at school and hardly notice my nausea once my day gets going.

After the first day of school I will admit, I wanted. to. cry.  It was a very overwhelming first day.  I have a little girl who is diabetic this year and I am in charge of testing her, watching her levels and making sure she gets the right amount of insulin.  I felt completely inadequate for this on that first day of school.  Her levels have not been anywhere near normal the past couple of weeks so I have now experienced a large variety of situations and feel much more comfortable with the whole process.

I love my kids already! They are all so sweet (even the ones that test my patience) and my heart yearns to help them grow.  I am so grateful for a job that, to me, is 100% connected to my Father in Heaven.  I pray about and for my kids all the time and am grateful to know that my Heavenly Father is with me in my classroom to help me help the students.

Woody also started school, He is only taking 2 classes this semester, plus labs, so his schedule is lighter than normal.  He is still working at the imaging clinic and loves his job!

We both feel so grateful that we have been able to get pregnant and are pretty excited for out little baby to continue growing! I will admit that pregnancy is tough.  I have definitely drawn closer to my Heavenly Father as I lean on him to help me get through the tough times. Trials are blessings, and blessings are trials. 

I watched some mormon videos this morning and cried through ALL OF THEM! This one was my favorite, I hope that woody and I can be this sweet to one another. Sometimes life gets in the way, and we forget the most important things in life are our relationships, with one another and with God.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no not the enduring love video....makes me ball like a baby every time! They showed this is RS the other week and I cried so much I had to leave the room! I hope your morning sickness is going ok. That was the hardest part for me. It gets better though! And it will be worth it!
