Life has been BUSY BUSY BUSY lately. I am currently in the middle of Spring semester, which sadly I am taking 9 credits!! That may not sound like a lot but because spring is a condensed semester taking 9 credits really is like taking 18.
PLUS I'm working and usually I do my homework at work except for lately I've had to do work at work LAME!!
PLUS for one my classes I have to get 12 observation hours at an elementary school and since I've squeezed all my classes and work in so tightly I was only able to go in for about an hour every afternoon... and that was leaving work an hour early.
PHEW! The good news is: I have been working in Shani's classroom for my hours and I have really enjoyed it. Maybe it's just been fun because it's the end of the year or cuz Shani is such a cool teacher or cuz I'm a flippin balla so all the kids like me .... but I've decided that it would have been ok for me to get my elementary education license (meaning I could teach 1-6) instead of my ECE license (I can only teach preschool-3). But I just remember that the bad stories coming out of the higher grades (I think) are worse than the ones that come out of the lower grades.. so I'm good with my little ones :)
Woody has been the best. Not counting last night.. it has been well over a week since I last cooked dinner. But count into the fact that we were both sick for a couple of days and we went to Vegas for the weekend. But yesterday I decided I'd take a break from school and be a wife for the night.. by this I mean while Woody was at work I was going to clean, I did pick up the kitchen but then I noticed that Woody had already cleaned everything else! Way to go Babe!! I made us some dinner and then when he came home we went grocery shopping (it's been like 2 maybe 3 weeks...) at Walmart and picked up some pictures. This was ridiculously FUN! It was so nice to be able to just hang out with Woody for a night. we had a blast singing and dancing in the car and put up some picture frames in the house.
I am the luckiest for girl because I got the best husband!