Friday, September 24, 2010


The other night I helped woody write a paper for his English class. He had written the paper the night before and had fallen asleep while writing it and wanted me to go through and fix some things, make sure it made sense and he wrote real words.. you know the usual.

Well first off Woody does not ask me to edit his papers very often because he says that I "write like Shakespeare" (for reals, that's a direct quote). Now really, I am not quite that eloquent, but I can say that I don't believe I have gotten anything less than A on a paper here at BYU.... but enough boasting.

I started out pretty good and even got a little ahead of myself and read the article he was reviewing to make sure I got the whole picture. Unfortunately it got pretty late and I got a little bit crazy.... My addition to the paper ended when I insisted that woody say something along the lines of

"The author lulled the reader into a sense of security allowing them to feel comfortably engaged. And then she POUNCED'.

I am not sure but either the word "lull" or "pounced" made Wood feel a little uneasy about the sentence. I'm guessing pounced since he ended up using the word "lull".

We ended up having a great time and laughing about different variations of pounce, then wood took the computer away from me, tucked me into bed and finished his paper... a typical school night at the Palmer House.


  1. hahahhaha u guys are the best late at night!

  2. That is too funny! You guys are adorable, and I like the addition, I think he should have kept the whole thing!

  3. Cute! I know how you feel too! With Jeff applying to Med school, we have paper editing parties all the time :)
